Facebook apologies for the A.I. labeled ‘Primates’ on Black man’s Video

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Facebook is in the headlines every day because of its negligencies, whether it’s about Privacy Issues or other Content issues. Recently Facebook apologies for the A.I. labeling ” Primates ” on the black man’s video.

The incident occurred when Darci Groves, a former Facebook content design manager, tweeted a screenshot of the video. You can see the screenshot below, which shows the Facebook recommendation feature is shown an auto-generated prompt on this video to ask ” keep seeing videos about primates “.

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Tweet by Darci Groves

Although, the video was not about primates, chimpanzees, or monkeys. The video White man calls cops on black men at marina was posted by Daily Mail in June 2020. In the video, the white man is calling the cops on black men.

Facebook Appolozied Calling it ” an unacceptable error ” on Friday. Also, Facebook Announced that it disabled the topic recommendation feature after this ” primates ” incident.

” We have made improvements to our A.I., we know it’s not perfect and we have more progress to make. We apologize to anyone who may have seen these offensive recommendations,” Said Dani Lever, a Facebook spokesman.

This is not the first time such an incident happened, the same case already happened with Google. In 2015, Google photos wrongly labeled pictures of black men as ” gorillas ” and later google apologized.

These types of incidents happen due to the bad performance of artificial intelligence systems. Technology Companies including Google have been scrutinizing their artificial intelligence system for years.

Most of the incidents that have taken place so far have been with black form people. If you remember the three black members of the England National Football were abused on Social media after losing penalty kicks in the Championship game.

In 2020, many advertisers signed the stop hat for-profit campaign to pressure Facebook to take concrete steps to control hate speech and violative content.

Darci groves, who left Facebook said in an interview that a series of mistakes in the company stated that tackling racial issues was not a priority for its leaders.

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